"Walking and wandering are two very different things. Walking is functional; it is merely the act of getting from A to B on our own two legs. But when we wander, it is the journey–not the destination–that matters. Somewhere between these two, there has to be a happy medium"-Project for Public Spaces.
Searching is about deepening existing knowledge, browsing is for discovering new knowledge. For example using a search engine would enable you to find out more about Gongoozling, but only IF you already knew the term. Using this wandering browser you would learn about Gongoozling if on your journey you stopped by the Wild and Wonderful Words category.
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claude
Claude Ellwood Shannon was a 20th century toy designer, juggler, and unicyclist who also happened to be the founder of Information Theory. (see http://tinyurl.com/SantaClaude )
"Shannon Class" toys: Up until sometime the 1950's most toys were mostly made of metal or wood, then they were mostly made of plastic. Now as the 21st century asserts a new reality paradigm, toys will increasingly be mostly be made of information. If there were no Santa Claude that would not have been possible.
Gongoozle, the Intuitive Browser
Sometime in the 1970's before the advent of personal computers, I attended a lecture by Alan Kay while he was at Xerox Parc. He talked about the mouse and how using it to make choices accessed different parts of the brain then typing words. In the early days of the Internet, web browsers like Yahoo used hierarchal interfaces and search trees based on clicking a mouse. Today these hierarchical browsing interfaces are all but gone and word based browsers(left brain) dominate. Parkhouse is a kinesthetic based web browser, that allows the nonverbal part of your brain (aka the right brain) to have input when doing a search to find digital objects on the web. What this means is that when you use Gongoozle you give the intuitive part of your brain some control over what is occurring. (see http://brainworldmagazine.com/ring-your-intuition-is-calling/ )
"We cannot discover new oceans, unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore"-anonomyous
Wrong turns and Dead ends..The purpose of the brain is to establish and use routine patterns. The brain is not designed to think creatively but to set up routine patterns of perception and behavior and to make sure we do not deviate from these-Edward de Bono.
Searching is about deepening existing knowledge, browsing is for discovering new knowledge. For example using a search engine would enable you to find out more about Gongoozling, but only IF you already knew the term. Using this wandering browser you would learn about Gongoozling if on your journey you stopped by the Wild and Wonderful Words category.
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claude
Claude Ellwood Shannon was a 20th century toy designer, juggler, and unicyclist who also happened to be the founder of Information Theory. (see http://tinyurl.com/SantaClaude )
"Shannon Class" toys: Up until sometime the 1950's most toys were mostly made of metal or wood, then they were mostly made of plastic. Now as the 21st century asserts a new reality paradigm, toys will increasingly be mostly be made of information. If there were no Santa Claude that would not have been possible.
Gongoozle, the Intuitive Browser
Sometime in the 1970's before the advent of personal computers, I attended a lecture by Alan Kay while he was at Xerox Parc. He talked about the mouse and how using it to make choices accessed different parts of the brain then typing words. In the early days of the Internet, web browsers like Yahoo used hierarchal interfaces and search trees based on clicking a mouse. Today these hierarchical browsing interfaces are all but gone and word based browsers(left brain) dominate. Parkhouse is a kinesthetic based web browser, that allows the nonverbal part of your brain (aka the right brain) to have input when doing a search to find digital objects on the web. What this means is that when you use Gongoozle you give the intuitive part of your brain some control over what is occurring. (see http://brainworldmagazine.com/ring-your-intuition-is-calling/ )
"We cannot discover new oceans, unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore"-anonomyous
Wrong turns and Dead ends..The purpose of the brain is to establish and use routine patterns. The brain is not designed to think creatively but to set up routine patterns of perception and behavior and to make sure we do not deviate from these-Edward de Bono.
By having a hierarchical structure, browsing the subject headings becomes possible. It is assumed that the person doing the search will have some knowledge of how their search targets fits into the over wealth of human knowledge. For example, if someone is looking for a C++ compiler, they will try to find a reference to it in the areas of knowledge related to technology and then computers, rather than religion.
Sample Apps
21st century America most people own a smartphone. Stop thinking of
your smartphone as a telephone. Start thinking of it as a Tardis. As
anybody who has watched the TV show Dr Who knows a Tardis, is a
dimensionally transcendental object that is bigger on the inside than
the outside and can transport you to any point in time and space. Turns
out our smartphones are Tardis's too!
-Your smartphone is about the size of your hand, yet it
contains million of apps, websites and other digital objects( there is more information stored in your smartphone than in 10,000 Libraries of Congress! )
The problem with your personal "Tardis"" is that, when you know what your looking for Google offers a great discovery mechanism. But when you don't know what you're looking for, it does not offer a great discovery mechanism for you to locate which of the millions of digital objects that are of interest to you.